The 11th Annual Joint Consultative Meeting between the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AUPSC) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) will be held on September 7-8, 2017 at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa.
5 Sep 2017
Ethiopia to host the 11th Annual Joint Consultative Meeting
4 Sep 2017
Change of Consular Services Fees
As of 4th September 2017, new Consular services and Visa fees will apply.
Ethiopia's Ambasador to the United Nations, H.E. Tekeda Alemu presents the UN Security Council's programme of work for September, which includes a joint consultation with the African Union Peace and Security Council.
1 Sep 2017
Press Conference by Security Council President on Work Programme for September
Ethiopia to prioritise strengthening the partnership between the UN and African Union in the area of peac and security during its presidency of the Security Council.
1 Sep 2017
Ethiopia assumes presidency of the UN Security Council
The weekly newsletter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia
1 Sep 2017
A Week in the Horn
During the current fiscal year, Ethiopia plans to earn $271 million from textile exports and create 30,000 jobs, in its effort to become the top textile manufacturing and exporting country in Africa through various industrial parks. According to the State Minister of Industry, $89.3 million was earned and 17,000 jobs created during the 2016-17 fiscal year. The government has a…
30 Aug 2017
Ethiopia to earn $271 million from textile exports
30 Aug 2017
Ethiopians contribute $460 million to Renaissance Dam
Ethiopians, both at home and abroad, have so far contributed around $460 million towards the construction of the Dam, through various schemes including bond sales, athletic events and lottery draws. Of the total, $4.9 million was from Ethiopians and foreign nationals of Ethiopian origin in the diaspora.
As part of his 7-day visit to East Africa, the UK’s Minister of State for Africa, Rory Stewart MP,  visited Ethiopia to see how UK aid is being implemented in the region.
30 Aug 2017
UK’s Minister for Africa in debut visit to Ethiopia