In terms of ensuring accountability, the Government is implementing the recommendations of the Joint Investigation reports of EHRC and the UN Human Rights body by establishing Inter-Ministerial Taskforce which is tasked with collating and documenting criminal acts with a view to bringing perpetrators to the court of law. Thus far, the Taskforce took considerable steps in fulfilling its objectives. Establishing…
28 Jul 2022
The Government of Ethiopia has Taken Several Steps to Ensure Accountability Pertaining to the Conflict in the Northern Part of Ethiopia
It is to be recalled that the Government had declared an indefinite humanitarian truce on March 24 to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance in the Tigray Region. The Government, in partnership with aid organisations, has since managed to deliver over 4,000 lorries of much-needed food, nutrition, and fuel to the Tigray Region. This endeavour allowed the delivery of over…
24 Jul 2022
The Government of Ethiopia has Ensured Unhindered Humanitarian Access to Tigray
Congratulations Team #Ethiopia #Oregon2022 #athletics  
18 Jul 2022
Congratulations Team Ethiopia
It is to be recalled from our previous edition of The Brief that the Government of Ethiopia has been working closely with the AU High Representative for the Horn of Africa to ensure a lasting political settlement to the conflict in the northern part of Ethiopia. True to its commitment, the government announced the formation of a committee to study…
16 Jul 2022
On the Peaceful Resolution of the Conflict in the Northern Part of Ethiopia
8 Jul 2022
ክፍት የስራ ማስታወቂያ | Announcement
Over the century, Ethiopia has endured acute political polarisation and divisions mainly due to the tendency of elites to resolve political disagreements through coercion rather than compromise. As such, the country’s elites have exhibited no semblance of a democratic political culture all throughout. They often resort to confrontational approaches to ensure their interests. Ethiopia has now embarked on an inclusive…
8 Jul 2022
Ethiopia Gears Up for a National Dialogue
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) appreciated and vowed to support the positive steps taken by the government of Ethiopia toward humanitarian access, the peaceful resolution of the conflict in northern Ethiopia, and the National All-Inclusive Dialogue. The regional block said that in a communiqué issued following the 39th Extraordinary Assembly of the #IGAD Heads of State and Government held…
6 Jul 2022
#IGAD appreciates #Ethiopia’s peace and humanitarian efforts
President Sahle- Work Zewde, Chair of the UNESCO International Commission on the Futures of Education spoke at the opening session of the Transforming Education Summit (TES) pre-summit at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on June 29th 2022. It was attended by more than 140 ministers and vice-ministers of Education. The Pre-summit offered an opportunity for the President and the 17 commission…
1 Jul 2022
Education Must Help Transform The World: President Sahle-Work