To spur and support its growth and transformation agenda, the Government of Ethiopia is committed to expanding higher education, science, and TVET programs. This webinar will seek to explore key insights into the science and higher education sector in Ethiopia and Scotland, and share best practices and experiences on opportunities and areas of collaboration with similar institutions in both countries.
13 Jul 2021
WEBINAR | Ethiopia-Scotland Science and Higher Education Symposium: Opportunities for Partnership and Collaboration
Ethiopia is committed to bringing the AU-led trilateral process to a successful conclusion aiming to reach a mutually acceptable outcome. It is prepared and ready to work on the phased approach proposed by the Chairperson of the African Union, and, therefore, encourages both Egypt and Sudan to negotiate in good faith to bring the process to fruition.
13 Jul 2021
Press Statement on Resuming the Trilateral AU-led Negotiations on GERD
The Brief is a bi-weekly publication from the Ethiopian Embassy in London covering current affairs in Ethiopia. This week's issue covers the United Nations Security Council meeting on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Situation in Tigray. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive The Brief in your inbox.
9 Jul 2021
The Brief – 09.07.21
The Tigray Provisional Administration has requested the Federal Government to enact a humanitarian ceasefire in the Tigray region. The provisional administration’s request came after due consideration of the needs on the ground and following the consultations with academics, the business community, and religious leaders and elders from the Region.
28 Jun 2021
Decision by the Federal Government of Ethiopia in Response to the Proposal of the Tigray Provisional Administration to Resolve the Challenges Facing the Tigray Region
The Government of Ethiopia appreciates the interest the country’s longstanding international partners have shown in the electoral process of the 6th national elections in Ethiopia. The government also took note of the importance of conducting honest reflection on the successes, challenges, and shortcomings of the 6th general elections to have improved future elections.
25 Jun 2021
Press statement on the concerns of partners and friends on the 6th General Elections in Ethiopia
The Brief is a bi-weekly publication from the Ethiopian Embassy in London covering current affairs in Ethiopia. This week's issue covers Ethiopia’s 2021 national elections and Col. Getnet's briefing on the Togogo airstrike. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive The Brief in your inbox.
25 Jun 2021
The Brief – 25.06.21
In a letter sent to the president of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Wednesday (June 23), Ethiopia rejected the latest attempts made by Egypt and Sudan to seeking the involvement of the Security Council over the GERD issue outside of its mandate.
25 Jun 2021
Ethiopia calls on UN Security Council to encourage Sudan and Egypt to respect the AU-led process and negotiate in good faith over GERD
Statement by H.E. Dr. Gedion Timothewos, Attorney General of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia at the 47th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council - 22 June 2021
22 Jun 2021
Statement by H.E. Dr Gedion Timothewos at the 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council