Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia worldwide anticipate general elections this June after a prolonged Covid-19 postponement. The election will secure the appointment of members of the House of Peoples' Representatives and regional state councils. This electoral test will be the first for the ruling Prosperity Party. Opposition political parties say they centre their ambitions not only around party winnings but…
4 Feb 2021
Panel confirms Ethiopia prepping for June elections, Chatham House Africa Program
On 3rd February, Chatham House's Africa Programme hosted a webinar on Ethiopia's upcoming elections, which are scheduled to take place on 5th June 2021. Panellists at the virtual event discussed preparations for the upcoming polls, whether the Federal Government will be able to deliver secure, free and fair elections under the current conditions, and the priority issues likely to be raised during…
3 Feb 2021
Ambassador Teferi’s Remarks at the Chatham House event on Ethiopia’s elections
Bath has always been the first port of call outside London for Ethiopian Ambassadors to the Court of St James, and the virtual visit of Ambassador Teferi Melesse to three institutions in the historic and spa City of Bath on 28th January was no exception.
3 Feb 2021
Ambassador Teferi embarks on a virtual trip to Bath
COP26 President-Designate, Alok Sharma, visited Addis Ababa and Gabon in January to discuss how the UK can work with Ethiopia to address climate change challenges. In his first overseas visit since becoming full-time COP26 President, Mr. Sharma met leaders from government and civil society, stressing the need for urgent climate action ahead of the important UN climate change summit the…
1 Feb 2021
Alok Sharma visits Ethiopia in first foreign visit since his full-time appointment as COP26 President
Ambassador Teferi responds to an article published in the Independent Catholic News titled, "Massacre at historic church". In a letter to the Editor, the Ambassador said that "These very serious claims are the results of a sophisticated disinformation campaign orchestrated by disgruntled political groups bent on stoking instability and using religion as a weapon to sow confusion amongst the international…
30 Jan 2021
Statement to the Independent Catholic News
Organised by the Ethiopian Embassy in London, in collaboration with key stakeholders, this webinar aims at promoting Ethio-UK business relations in the horticulture sector and will provide opportunities for stakeholders to discuss ways of tapping the huge potential in the sector. 
29 Jan 2021
WEBINAR | Doing Business in Ethiopia: Opportunities for Trade and Investment in the Horticulture Industry
The British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab made his debut visit to Ethiopia as part of a wider tour of East Africa. During his time in Ethiopia, the Foreign Secretary held bilateral engagements with President Sahle-Work Zewde, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, and the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen.
26 Jan 2021
Foreign Secretary Raab visits Ethiopia