Make the most of lockdown and dedicate some of that extra time to learning something new…
2 Jun 2020
Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt are to resume technical discussions on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), currently under construction on the Nile river, after Egypt accepted an Ethiopia-Sudan proposal to resume negotiations.
1 Jun 2020
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Cooperation and Contentment
Embassies in London and Washington D.C jointly facilitate the mobilisation and transfer of lifesaving medical equipment, worth over £40,000, donated by the Ethio-American Doctors Group (EADG). The medical equipment will be used to bolster the Coronavirus response in Ethiopia.
1 Jun 2020
Embassy receives over £40,000 worth of lifesaving medical equipment for Ethiopia
Embassy appeal sees significant resources raised, in just seven weeks, by Ethiopians and Friends of Ethiopia in the United Kingdom, but support is still needed to defend Ethiopia against the Coronavirus pandemic. With the rate of infection rising, the Embassy is now making a fresh call for donations.
27 May 2020
Over £60,000 raised in seven weeks to combat Coronavirus in Ethiopia
Following Prime Minister Abiy’s announcement of plans to liberalise the economy and allow foreign and private investors into key state-owned companies, the Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA) is proceeding with plans to privatise the telecoms sector, after delays caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
25 May 2020
Ethiopia to issue two telecom licences
H.E. Lia Tadesse, Minister of Health, delivered her maiden speech at the 73rd World Health Assembly, which was held virtually for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic. Briefing the Assembly on Ethiopia’s COVID-19 containment efforts, the Minister said that the Government took decisive measures to contain the spread of the disease.
21 May 2020
World leaders call for unity to combat COVID-19 at the first-ever virtual World Health Assembly
On 10th May, Ambassador Fesseha and his family departed the United Kingdom following the relinquishment of his appointment as Ethiopian Ambassador to the United Kingdom. Ambassador Fesseha assumed his duties in the UK in March 2019, bringing with him almost 30 years of experience.
15 May 2020
Ambassador Fesseha concludes his tour of duty