The Ethiopian Parliament passes a historic new refugee law which allows refugees to travel and live outside of camps, obtain work permits, access primary education, legally register life events such as births, deaths and marriages, and open up access to national financial services, such as banking.
23 Jan 2019
Ethiopia reaffirms its commitment to improving Refugee lives by passing historic law granting more rights
H.E. Mr. Alistair Harrison, Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Dr. Hailemichael Aberra Afework, in order to bid him farewell as he relinquished his appointment as Ethiopian Ambassador to the United Kingdom.
18 Jan 2019
Ambassador Hailemichael completes tour of duty
The weekly publication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia.
18 Jan 2019
A Week in the Horn
Ethiopia has overtaken Dubai as the transfer hub for long-haul travel to Africa. A report by ForwardKeys shows that the number of long-haul transfers to Africa via Addis Ababa Bole International Airport has grown in volume by 85% for five years in a row. Transfers via Dubai over the same period rose by 31%.
10 Jan 2019
Addis Ababa becomes the gateway to Africa
Ethiopia’s economy is forecast to grow by 8.5% in 2019, according to a report by IMF, driven by the service sector and better domestic and foreign investment. IMF also praised Ethiopia’s remarkable progress, which has led to a significant reduction in poverty and improved living standards for many Ethiopians.
4 Jan 2019
Ethiopia is Africa’s fastest-growing economy for 2019