The Ethio-Djibouti railway service, Africa's first electric railway, has been launched, setting a new standard for railway journeys in Africa. Africa's first electric railway
5 Oct 2016
Ethio-Djibouti railway service launched
The Speech of H.E. Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly
24 Sep 2016
PM Hailemariam addresses the 71st UN General Assembly
The Second National Diaspora Festival (NEDF), was celebrated in Bahir Dar. The annual event provides a platform for the Ethiopian Diaspora Community (EDC) to see and assess development, discuss with key officials and explore opportunities in Ethiopia.
2 Aug 2016
Second National Ethiopian Diaspora Festival
The new Ethiopian Ambassador to the UK, H.E. Dr. Hailemichael Afework Aberra, presented his credentials to Her Majesty The Queen at Buckingham Palace.
14 Jul 2016
Ambassador Hailemichael presents his credentials to H.M. The Queen
The Ethiopian Defence Forces have taken retaliatory measures after repulsing an attempted attack by the Eritrean army on Sunday June 12, 2016 at the Tsorona Front.
14 Jul 2016
Ethiopia Defence Forces Take Retaliatory Measures
PM Hailemariam launched Ethiopia's new tourism brand urging the Ethiopian Tourism Transformation Council to work in partnership with the private sector to “maximize the country’s resources” and "make the nation one of the best tourist destinations in the world”
14 Jul 2016
Ethiopia ’s new tourism brand :”Land of origins ” Launched
Ethiopia has launched Africa's largest eco-industrial park, dedicated solely to the textile and garment sector. The 1.3-million-square-metre facility will have thirty-seven factory sheds and its own renewable electricity source.
14 Jul 2016
Africa’s largest eco-Industrial Park Launched