PM Netanyahu and PM Hailemariam attend an economic forum in Addis Ababa with approximately 300 Israeli and Ethiopian businesspeople and senior company representatives, Ethiopian ministers and senior ministry officials.
7 Jul 2016
Ethio-Israel Business Summit Opens
Phillip Hammond says UK will continue to work with Ethiopia to protect national security interests and to help Ethiopia manage refugees
3 Jun 2016
UK Foreign Secretary announces support for Ethiopia and Somalia
'Simien Lodge, the highest hotel in Africa at 3260 meters altitude in the Simien Mountain National Park in Ethiopia, has just been awarded the Silver prize in the African Responsible Tourism Awards for their work supporting the community in the Simien Mountains.
8 Apr 2016
Simien Lodge wins Silver prize at the African Responsible Tourism Awards
15 Mar 2016
Statement on the incident in Leeds
The Ethiopian Embassy in London wishes to express its indignation at the outrageous and unlawful incident that took place in Leeds, UK over the weekend by individuals flaunting the banners of opposition groups outlawed in Ethiopia.
AllAfrica’s Reed Kramer interviewed Ethiopia’s prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, after a US-Africa business summit in Addis Ababa in February.
9 Mar 2016
Ethiopian prime minister: ‘We are an island of stability in a troubled region’