Business Insider Africa has ranked #Ethiopia among the top ten investment destinations in Africa, describing the country as ''rewarding for investors’’, with its high GDP and resilient economy. Business Insider Africa added that being the second-largest African flower exporter and among the biggest producers of coffee worldwide, Ethiopia is rewarding for investors.
8 Feb 2022
Ethiopia as ”rewarding for investors’’
In an event held in honor of African Heads of State and Government as well as their delegations attending the 35th Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed highlighted the importance of intra-Africa tourism as a catalyst for cultural exchange, understanding, economic growth and collaboration between African destinations. #PMOEthiopia
6 Feb 2022
Event held in honor of African Government Heads of State and Delegation
The Government of Ethiopia has been doing all it could to ensure a speedy and safe delivery of humanitarian aid to those affected in Tigray region. However, very recently, TPLF has launched a new aggression in Abala town, in the Afar region. By doing so, TPLF has literally blocked the last operating land aid corridor to the people of Tigray.…
4 Feb 2022
TPLF is Deliberately Starving the People of Tigray in a bid to Advance its Propaganda
The President of #Senegal, H.E Mr. Macky Sall has arrived in #AddisAbaba to participate in the upcoming AU Summit. H.E. Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance & high level gov’t officials have accorded a warm welcome to the President. Via MFA Ethiopia 
3 Feb 2022
H.E Mr. Macky Sall President of Senegal has arrived in Addis Ababa for the upcoming AU Summit.
The President of the Republic of #CôtedIvoire, H.E Mr. Alassane Ouattara has arrived in Addis Ababa to participate in the upcoming AU Summit. H.E. H.E. Pro. Berhanu Nega, Minister of Education, H.E. Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance, State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Amb. Birtukan Ayano and Chief of Cabinet of the office of the Foreign Minister,…
3 Feb 2022
H.E Mr. Alassane Ouattara President of the Republic of CôtedIvoire has arrived in Addis Ababa for the upcoming AU Summit.
H.E. President Muhammadu Buhari of #Nigeria has arrived in Addis Ababa to participate in the upcoming AU Summit. H.E. Benalf Andialem, Minister of Peace, H.E. Berehanu Nega, Minister of Education, State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Amb. Birtukan Ayano and Chief of Cabinet of the office of the Foreign Minister, H.E. Amb. Mehereteab Mulugeta have accorded a…
3 Feb 2022
H.E. President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria has arrived in Addis Ababa for the upcoming AU Summit
The President of the Republic of #Malawi, H.E. Lazarus Chakwera has arrived in Addis Ababa to take part in the 35th ordinary session of the AU assembly (Heads of State and government session). H.E. Kejela Merdassa, Minister of Culture and Sport along with H.E. Ambassdor Birtukan Ayano, State Minister at the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and H.E. Ambassador Mehereteab Mulugeta,…
3 Feb 2022
H.E. Lazarus Chakwera President of the Republic of Malawi has arrived in Addis Ababa for the upcoming AU Summit
Ethiopians and fellow Eritreans residing in Nottingham, UK organized a fundraising event to support ongoing efforts to rehabilitate people affected by the TPLF's aggressions.
30 Jan 2022
Fundraising Event in Nottingham