The Office of the Prime Minister is pleased to express our pride in the selection of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed as the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. This recognition is a timeless testimony to the MEDEMER ideals of unity, cooperation, and mutual coexistence that the Prime Minister has consistently been championing.
11 Oct 2019
Statement from the Prime Minister’s Office following the announcement of the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2019 to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea.
11 Oct 2019
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed
Ethiopia's Houses of Parliament opened a new session on 7th October. Addressing the joint session for the first time as President of Ethiopia, H.E. Sahle-Work Zewde presented some of the key social, economic and political directions and plans that the government will pursue in the new Ethiopian year.
8 Oct 2019
President Sahle-Work delivers maiden address at the opening of Parliament
The Government of Ethiopia affirms its position to advance the trilateral technical dialogue concerning the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and will reinforce its efforts to realize the development of its water resource to meet the present and future needs of its people that deserve development and an adequate standard of living.
5 Oct 2019
Statement from the Government of Ethiopia following Khartoum round of trilateral talks on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
A high-level delegation, led by President Sahle-Work Zewde, took part in this year's UN General Assembly in New York. President Sahle-Work delivered her maiden speech, since being elected President of Ethiopia in October last year.
30 Sep 2019
Ethiopia at the UN General Assembly
The annual meeting of ambassadors, heads of missions and senior officials offered an opportunity to take stock of the annual performance of the ministry. The previous year focussed on promoting peace and security and advancing economic integration in the Horn of Africa region.
30 Sep 2019
New Year, New Hopes and Renewed commitments
Alex Lewis and the Wild Wheelchairs team paid a courtesy call on Ambassador Fesseha ahead of their trip to Ethiopia, which will see Alex, a quadruple amputee, embark on a monumental challenge – ascending Ras Dashen, Ethiopia’s highest mountain.
27 Sep 2019
Alex Lewis and the Wild Wheelchairs team set off on their Ethiopian adventure