Following successful engagements with the National Army Museum, British Library and St George’s Chapel, H.E. Dr Hirut Kassaw, visited the British and Victoria & Albert Museums, where she once again reiterated her call for all British institutions with Maqdala artefacts in their collections to return them to Ethiopia.
25 Mar 2019
Culture Minister Urges British Museum to Return 11 Replica Arks of the Covenant
A ceremonial hand-over of locks of hair belonging to Emperor Tewodros II took place on 20th March at the National Army Museum, in the presence of H.E. Dr Hirut Kassaw. While in London, the Minister also visited St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle - the resting place of the remains of Prince Alemayehu, son of Emperor Tewodros II.
21 Mar 2019
Ethiopians celebrate historic return of Emperor Tewodros’ Hair
Remarks by H.E. Dr Hirut Kassaw, Ethiopia's Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Sport, on the occasion of the official handover ceremony of locks of hair belonging to Emperor Tewodros II.
20 Mar 2019
Remarks by H.E. Dr Hirut Kassaw on the Occasion of the Official Handover of Locks of Hair Belonging to Emperor Tewodros II
The Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sport, Her Excellency Dr Hirut Kassaw Wondim, visited and held discussions with the British Library in London in her first engagement as part of a wider visit to cultural institutions in the United Kingdom.
19 Mar 2019
Minister signs MoU with British Library on Debut Visit to the United Kingdom
Ambassador Fesseha Shawel officially assumed his duties as the newly-appointed Ethiopian Ambassador to the United Kingdom on 4 March 2018. He brings with him almost 30 years of experience having served at Diplomatic Missions in East Africa, as well as at various posts within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
18 Mar 2019
Ambassador Fesseha assumes duties in the United Kingdom
An agreement has been reached on the manner and style of the hand-over to Ethiopia, of locks of hair belonging to Emperor Tewodros II. It has been agreed that an inclusive hand-over ceremony will be held at the museum on 20 March, where H.E. Dr Hirut Kassaw, Minister of Culture and Tourism, will receive the human remains from the museum’s…
18 Mar 2019
UK’s National Army Museum to hand over locks of hair belonging to Emperor Tewodros II of Ethiopia
Yesterday, at approximately 08:44am local time, (05:44 GMT) an Ethiopian Airlines aircraft Boeing 737-800MAX, flight ET 302 en route from Addis Ababa to Nairobi, tragically crashed. 11 March has been declared a national day of mourning for the victims. A book of condolence has also been opened at the Embassy.
11 Mar 2019
National Day of Mourning Declared for Victims of Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET 302