The project manager of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Engineer Semegnew Bekele, was given a hero’s farewell on 29thJuly as thousands gathered to pay their respects at his funeral.
31 Jul 2018
Ethiopia bids farewell to Engineer Semegnew Bekele
A UK-Ethiopia Trade and Investment Forum is scheduled to take place in London on 16 October. This will be the first significant overseas Trade and Investment Summit for the new Ethiopian Government and will showcase the huge opportunities that Ethiopia offers and encourage inward investment.
30 Jul 2018
UK-Ethiopia Trade & Investment Forum – London – 16th October
On 11 July, PM Abiy marked his first 100 days in office. Since his election on 2ndApril, he has motivated Ethiopians with his catchphrase, “Medemer,” which has become the mantra for the revitalisation of Ethiopian unity.
27 Jul 2018
PM Abiy’s first 100 days in Office
Leading Ethiopian botanical scientist, Professor Sebsebe Demissew, has been elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Society, becoming the first ever Sub-Saharan African scientist to be elected in the Society’s 357-year history. Professor Sebsebe is recognised for his lifelong work on promoting Ethiopian biodiversity.
20 Jul 2018
Prof. Sebsebe becomes first African Foreign Member of the Royal Society
The weekly publication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia.
20 Jul 2018
A Week in the Horn
Further to PM Abiy’s recent call to the Ethiopian diaspora to contribute $1-a-day to the transformation and development of a better Ethiopia, the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia has officially opened a bank account to support the operation of the “Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund”.
18 Jul 2018
Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund account officially operational
Statements from UK and US governments, the African Union, Europian Union and the United Nations Security Council, with regards to the historic peace deal between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
17 Jul 2018
Ethio-Eritrea Peace Deal: The World Reacts