1056 results
16 Mar 2017

Dr. Workneh: “The relationship between Ethiopia and UK is strategic and exemplary”

Visiting UK's Secretary of State, Boris Johnson, meets with Ethiopia's Foreign Minister. The two sides discuss bilateral and regional as well as global issues of mutual concern and trust.
15 Mar 2017

Government lifts parts of the State of Emergency

Following the restoration of law and order in many areas of the country, the government has lifted some of the restrictions proclaimed by the State of Emergency decree in October 2016.
13 Mar 2017

Ethiopian Ambassador visits UWS with a high level Embassy delegation

Ambassador Hailemichael, along with seven colleagues from the Embassy, visit the Paisley Campus as part of a 3-day visit to Scotland involving visiting a number of Scottish universities, key business stakeholders and the Diaspora.
10 Mar 2017

A Week in the Horn

The weekly newsletter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia
A Week in the Horn
3 Mar 2017

A Week in the Horn

The weekly newsletter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia
A Week in the Horn
27 Feb 2017

Prof Pankhurst laid to rest in Addis Ababa

The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London - February 2017
27 Feb 2017

Adwa: An African Victory and beyond

In Ethiopia, March 2 is a Red-Letter Day! On this date in 1889 Ethiopians from the four corners of the country converged in Adwa, Northern Ethiopia and, under the overall command of Emperor Menelik II and Empress Taitu, dealt a death blow to Imperial Italy’s ambition to annex Ethiopia.
24 Feb 2017

A Week in the Horn

The weekly newsletter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia
A Week in the Horn