1056 results
15 Mar 2016

Statement on the incident in Leeds

The Ethiopian Embassy in London wishes to express its indignation at the outrageous and unlawful incident that took place in Leeds, UK over the weekend by individuals flaunting the banners of opposition groups outlawed in Ethiopia.
9 Mar 2016

Ethiopian prime minister: ‘We are an island of stability in a troubled region’

AllAfrica’s Reed Kramer interviewed Ethiopia’s prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, after a US-Africa business summit in Addis Ababa in February.
27 Feb 2016

Coffee comes home

The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London - February 2016
25 Feb 2016

David Cameron and Phillip Hammond to visit Ethiopia

Oliver Robbins and Dr Tedros discuss a variety of issues regarding the growing and important relationship between the UK and Ethiopia as well as the upcoming official visit of David Cameron and Phillip Hammond to the country.
23 Feb 2016

Statement on the latest report by Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch has once again come out with a report on Ethiopia with particular emphasis on the disturbances which took place in some parts of Oromia region. As usual, the report was neither a result of thorough research nor does it make a convincing effort to substantiate the allegations it contains.
31 Jan 2016

AU Summit takes place in Addis Ababa

The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London - January 2016
31 Dec 2015

Progress on Climate Change at COP21

The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London – December 2015
30 Nov 2015

New Addis-Djibouti Railway launched

The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London - June 2017